
Moving to Germany

Germany is a popular and common expat destination at the heart of Europe due to its economic success, wealth, and active community. Whether you are there to work or live closer to your family and friends, Germany is a great country to live in. However, moving internationally to Germany from Australia needs to be carefully planned, such as housing and choosing a company to help relocate overseas. This guide will help you get ready to relocate to Germany from Australia and includes information such as preparing your visas and other documentation, residency, transportation, work, education and healthcare and how Palmers Relocations can help you move internationally.

Preparing your Visa and other Official Documentations

Australian citizens don’t need to provide a Schengen visa or entry visa to travel to Germany; however, there are customary immigration rules that you must adhere to upon your arrival. In order to work and remain longer in Germany, you have up to three months from the date of your arrival into the country to apply for a residence permit. It is also recommended to prepare other official documentation prior to your travel to Germany such as birth certificates, medical records, work permits, passports, marriage licenses/certificates, school records and insurance policies. In regards to passport preparation, be sure that your passport/s is valid for at least six months from the date of travel. If you intend to live in Germany for more than three months, you need to enrol and register at your localEinwohnermeldeamt’, also known as a registration office. Depending on where you are in Germany, the registration office in your local area may also be called ‘Bürgeramt’, ‘Bürgerbüro’ or ‘Kreisverwaltungsreferat’. You will also be required to provide several official documentation mentioned previously, hence is why you should keep duplicate copies handy.


Many people look for a suitable apartment or house after moving to Germany. So, if that is what you prefer, there are many hotels and holiday house rentals for you to stay in until you find the right home. There are many real estate agents and companies that will help you find a new home but, beware of their expensive fees. Renting in Germany for a two-bedroom apartment, for instance, is as low as less than 700 Australian Dollars a month. Still, the price will vary depending on the apartment size and the distance to the city centre. Most landlords will request a lot of paperwork such as proof that you can afford to pay the property and some may ask for you to pay three months of rent in advance to use as a security deposit. If you do decide to rent out, check your rental agreement to see if some of your utilities such as heat or hot water, is included in the rent. If not, many providers can help assist in connecting your home to a supply.


The public transport in Germany is considered to be one of the best. It is efficient and quick for travelling to and from work, making it more cheaper than driving. If you plan on using the train frequently, book your tickets in advance online to save money as well as investing in a Bahn card which is a discount prescription program. If you wish to use a car as a mode of transport and get your driver’s license, you must be at least 18 years of age (without the presence of a legal guardian). If you plan on staying in Germany for less than 12 months, you can use your Australian driver’s licence for up to six months and then renew it for another six months. But, if you are staying for more than 12 months, you need to apply for a German driver’s license and sit a theory and practical driving test.

Work, Education and Healthcare

If you are moving to Germany and plan to find work there, there are branches of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit, also known as the Federal Employment Agency and their purpose is to help people find jobs while charging no fee at all. In regards to the schools in Germany, children are forbidden to be homeschooled as there is compulsory education attendance. The age for beginning primary school starts at six, and once a student completes their 12th or 13th grade (in some states in Germany), they will receive an Abitur certificate with the entitlement to study at a university. There are many public schools in Germany, and the majority have a high level of education and is free of charge while nine per cent of students in Germany study at a private school that charges fees. If your child is under the age of six, they can be enrolled in a daycare facility. Finally, healthcare in Germany is very well financially supported with high efficiency with mandatory health insurance. If you are working, your insurance is automatically paid from your income. Your health insurance is paid from half of your income, and your employer pays the other half. The state pays for the insurance if you are claiming benefits and are unemployed. Regardless of the type of purpose of your move to Germany (studying, working, visiting), it is important to be covered. Germany-visa.org has listed different types of health insurance and options available in Germany.

Relocating your Items

Palmers Relocations can help you move overseas stress-free. When you decide to move abroad, contact us as soon as possible but no more than four months in advance. You can contact the team for a free in-house survey so we can evaluate the size of the house or apartment that needs to be relocated as well as answer any concerns or questions you have. Palmer Relocations can also provide home packing and unpacking services and help you prepare all relevant documentation for your overseas move to Germany.